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Summer Fun Registration for all students who are entering 5k in the fall and older June 3-August 16, 2024!



Please check each week your child would like to participate:

I understand that each week I sign up for is $310. If I choose not to send my child some of the days or all of the days I signed up for I am still charged. I understand that I need to send my child, with a bagged lunch each day and a water bottle. If I fail to send these items child care will order a lunch for my child and I will be charged $20 for each time a lunch is forgotten. I understand that I will be charged the Monday before each camp. If you need to change your weeks you may do so, up to two weeks prior to the change needed. I understand that August 16 is the last day of summer camp and there will be no summer care offered after that for students in 5k and up.

Thanks for registering!

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