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Worship With Us!


Sunday Morning

8 AM & 10:30 AM


Bible Study

9:15 -10:15 AM


Saturday Night

5 PM


Or Worship Online HERE

Were you unable to join us for bible study last week? Never fear! Notes and discussion topics are now online. Follow up on the conversation here and never miss a beat!​


Month at a Glance

By Pastor Steve


Paul tells us that there are a lot of ways to do things in life, but the most excellent way is love (1 Cor 13). As we step into February, may all we do be done in love and for His glory! Mark your calendars with these important events that not only share the love of Jesus but help many others experience His love!


Immanuel’s Mission: to honor and glorify God as we: equip the saints, reach the lost, and praise the Lord.


Music Fellowship (Feb 2 @ 11:45am): Immanuel music ministry gathers together to enjoy the blessing of serving in the House of the Lord! Bring a dish to share.


Fusion (Feb 2 @ 1:30pm): 3rd - 5th grade are invited for fun in the gym with Mrs Vahl. For more information contact Heather Vahl (; 262-781-7140).


High School Youth Group & NYG Meeting (Feb 2 @ 5pm): Participants of the National Youth Gathering and their parents gather together for Bible study and planning. Following the meeting students spend time playing games, eating food and studying God's Word. A great opportunity to bring friends! Each week is slightly different, so join in the fun! For more information contact Heather Vahl (; 262-781-7140).


Gentle Hearts (Feb 3 @ 1pm): Women of Immanuel gather together for Bible study and the encouragement that comes from God’s Word.


Confirmation (Feb 3 @ 6pm): Confirmation is designed to strengthen the faith! Our 6th - 8th grade students, not enrolled in our day school, begin their studies! Contact the church for more information!


Women’s Bible Study (Feb 3 @ 7pm): Women’s Bible Study meets on Monday evenings at 7pm (September - May). Contact Heather Vahl (; 262-741-7140 x1003) for more information or to get involved. Meets regularly the first, second, and third Monday of a month at 7pm.


Immanuel Everyday Encounters 3rd - 5th Grade - Tech Safety (Feb 4 @ 6:30pm): Families are encouraged to attend this event held in partnership with the Brookfield Police Department to learn how to best keep our kids safe in a growing digital world. This event is only for parents, so join Heather Vahl in the sanctuary. Please RSVP to Heather as you are able (; 262-781-7140).


Quilters (Feb 5 @ 9am): Immanuel Quilters meet the first and third Wednesday in the back of the sanctuary as they prepare quilts to bless others!  


Mid-Week Bible Study (Feb 5 @ 1pm & 6pm): Join Pastor Colby for Bible study!


Discipleship 101 (Feb 5 @ 6pm): Immanuel’s new member class. In this class, Immanuel will provide an overview of the Bible, instruction on the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism, and help you connect to the family here at Immanuel. All members of Immanuel are encouraged to take this course every 3-5 years to refresh their understanding of our foundational teachings as disciples of Jesus here at Immanuel. Join us as we follow Jesus and live as His disciples each and every day. January 8th to February 26th at 6pm (Wednesdays) in the 5th grade classrooms off the fellowship hall.


Women’s Wellness (Feb 8 @ 8:15am): Join the women of Immanuel for a day of fellowship and encouragement. Hear from Christian author and blogger Linda Buxa and take the opportunity for exciting sectionals (Wills & Trusts, Pickleball, Staying Connected with Your Spouse, Guided Painting, Essential Oils, Quick Easy Recipes, and Mocktails). Sign up online at or contact the church office. 


National Marriage Week (Feb 9 - 15): Immanuel works diligently to uphold and support marriage. In celebration of this great gift from our Father, we prepare marriage devotions to encourage husbands and wives. Pick up your devotion (this year, specific one for men and one for women) in worship and keep growing together as husband and wife!


Immanuel Everyday Encounters 8th Grade - Developing a Servant’s Heart (Feb 9 @ 11:45am): Families are encouraged to attend this event in preparation for 8th grade confirmation. Details will be covered to aid in planning this special milestone as we look to how we continue to serve like Jesus who came not to be served, but to serve while giving His life for us! Bring a dish to share and enjoy the fellowship following worship on Sunday.


High School Youth Group (Feb 9 @ 6pm): Students spend time playing games, eating food and studying God's Word. A great opportunity to bring friends! Each week is slightly different, so join in the fun! For more information contact Heather Vahl (; 262-781-7140).


Gentle Hearts (Feb 10 @ 1pm): Women of Immanuel gather together for Bible study and the encouragement that comes from God’s Word.


Confirmation (Feb 10 @ 6pm): Confirmation is designed to strengthen the faith! Our 6th - 8th grade students, not enrolled in our day school, begin their studies! Contact the church for more information!


Women’s Bible Study (Feb 10 @ 7pm): Women’s Bible Study meets on Monday evenings at 7pm (September - May). Contact Heather Vahl (; 262-741-7140 x1003) for more information or to get involved. Meets regularly the first, second, and third Monday of a month at 7pm.


Women in Ministry (Feb 11 @ 11:30am): Join the women of Immanuel for some food, a devotion, and fellowship as you gather around the blessing that ministry brings into our lives.


Mid-Week Bible Study (Feb 12 @ 1pm & 6pm): Join Pastor Colby for Bible study!


Discipleship 101 (Feb 12 @ 6pm): Immanuel’s new member class. In this class, Immanuel will provide an overview of the Bible, instruction on the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism, and help you connect to the family here at Immanuel. All members of Immanuel are encouraged to take this course every 3-5 years to refresh their understanding of our foundational teachings as disciples of Jesus here at Immanuel. Join us as we follow Jesus and live as His disciples each and every day. January 8th to February 26th at 6pm (Wednesdays) in the 5th grade classrooms off the fellowship hall.


Grandparents Group (Feb 13 @ 1pm): Grandparents Group is a time when Seniors come together for devotion, bible study, and fellowship. 


High School Youth Group (Feb 16 @ 6pm): Students spend time playing games, eating food and studying God's Word. A great opportunity to bring friends! Each week is slightly different, so join in the fun! For more information contact Heather Vahl (; 262-781-7140).


Presidents’ Day (Feb 17): No school.


Gentle Hearts (Feb 17 @ 1pm): Women of Immanuel gather together for Bible study and the encouragement that comes from God’s Word.


Confirmation (Feb 17 @ 6pm): Confirmation is designed to strengthen the faith! Our 6th - 8th grade students, not enrolled in our day school, begin their studies! Contact the church for more information!


Quilters (Feb 19 @ 9am): Immanuel Quilters meet the first and third Wednesday in the back of the sanctuary as they prepare quilts to bless others!  


Mid-Week Bible Study (Feb 19 @ 1pm & 6pm): Join Pastor Colby for Bible study!


Discipleship 101 (Feb 19 @ 6pm): Immanuel’s new member class. In this class, Immanuel will provide an overview of the Bible, instruction on the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism, and help you connect to the family here at Immanuel. All members of Immanuel are encouraged to take this course every 3-5 years to refresh their understanding of our foundational teachings as disciples of Jesus here at Immanuel. Join us as we follow Jesus and live as His disciples each and every day. January 8th to February 26th at 6pm (Wednesdays) in the 5th grade classrooms off the fellowship hall.


Middle School Fun Night (Feb 21 @ 6pm): Immanuel Middle School students join together for a night of fun together with games, activities, snacks, and more!



Men’s Breakfast (Feb 22 @ 8am): Men of Immanuel gather together to encourage and support one another around some good nourishment! Come and be Joshua 1:9 Men! 


Parent Night Out (Feb 22 @ 4:30pm): Need a night out? Let the high school students take care of the child care and support them as they work their way to the National Youth Gathering. The youth will provide activities, food, and crafts! Contact Heather Vahl (; 262-781-7140) for more information or to reserve your spot!


New Member Welcome (Feb 23): Join the Immanuel family in worship to welcome our new members this Sunday! Know someone who is interested in joining Immanuel? Contact the pastors so we can welcome them into Immanuel!


High School Youth Group (Feb 23 @ 6pm): Students spend time playing games, eating food and studying God's Word. A great opportunity to bring friends! Each week is slightly different, so join in the fun! For more information contact Heather Vahl (; 262-781-7140).


Gentle Hearts (Feb 24 @ 1pm): Women of Immanuel gather together for Bible study and the encouragement that comes from God’s Word.


Confirmation (Feb 24 @ 6pm): Confirmation is designed to strengthen the faith! Our 6th - 8th grade students, not enrolled in our day school, begin their studies! Contact the church for more information!


Mission & Ministry Council Meeting (Feb 24 @ 7pm): Immanuel’s leadership board meets to review and equip our ministry and staff! Pray for our leaders and watch for regular updates in the enews about how Immanuel is working in the Kingdom of God!


Mid-Week Bible Study (Feb 26 @ 1pm & 6pm): Join Pastor Colby for Bible study!


Immanuel’s Benefit Auction (Mar 1): Be sure to get your tickets today and support the wonderful ministry of Immanuel! 


Immanuel’s Calendar: Check out our ministry calendar that covers all the activities of Immanuel and her ministry. Stay up to date with all the information you need to be fully engaged at Immanuel! You can add it to your calendar by clicking here! Check out an overview of the year by clicking here.


Important links to keep you connected!

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Feb. 2nd - Music Fellowship, 11:45am

Feb. 2nd - Fusion, 1:30pm

Feb. 2nd - High School Youth Group and NYG Meeting, 5pm

Feb. 3rd - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Feb. 3rd - Confirmation, 6pm

Feb. 3rd - Women's Bible Study, 7pm

Feb. 4th - Everyday Encounters 3rd-5th Tech Safety, 6:30pm

Feb. 5th - Quilters, 9am

Feb. 5th - Mid-Week Bible Study, 1pm and 6pm

Feb. 5th - Discipleship 101, 6pm

Feb. 8th - Women's Wellness, 8:15am

Feb. 9-15th - National Marriage Week

Feb. 9th - Everyday Encounters 8th Grade, Developing a Servant Heart, 11:45am

Feb. 9th - High School Youth Group, 6pm

Feb. 10th - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Feb. 10th - Confirmation, 6pm

Feb. 10th - Women's Bible Study, 7pm

Feb. 11th - Women in Ministry, 11:30am

Feb. 12th - Mid-Week Bible Study, 1pm and 6pm

Feb. 12th - Discipleship 101, 6pm

Feb. 13th - Grandparents Group, 1pm

Feb. 16th - High School Youth Group, 6pm

Feb. 17th - NO SCHOOL

Feb. 17th - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Feb. 17th - Confirmation, 6pm

Feb. 19th - Quilters, 9am

Feb. 19th - Discipleship 101, 6pm

Feb. 21st - Middle School Fun Night, 6pm

Feb. 22nd - Men's Breakfast, 8am

Feb. 22nd - Parent's Night Out, 4:30pm

Feb. 23rd - New Member Welcome

Feb. 23rd - High School Youth Group, 6pm

Feb. 24th - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Feb. 24th - Confirmation, 6pm

Feb. 24th - Mission & Ministry Council Meeting, 7pm

Feb. 26th - Mid-Week Bible Study, 1pm and 6pm

March 1 - Immanuel Benefit Auction, 5:30pm


Women's Wellness tickets are now on Sale!


Saturday, February 8, 2025

8:15am to 3pm

$25 per person, including lunch


Grab your ticket and get ready for a day of Christ-centered, intergenerational, relational, and useful information to support your journey through life.


You will have the opportunity to enjoy keynote speaker, Linda Buxa, and select mini sessions including crafts, intro to Pickleball, staying connected to your spouse, and more!


Worship With Us!


Sunday Morning

8 AM & 10:30 AM


Bible Study

9:15 -10:15 AM


Saturday Night

5 PM


Or Worship Online HERE

Were you unable to join us for bible study last week? Never fear! Notes and discussion topics are now online. Follow up on the conversation here and never miss a beat!​


School Mission

By Jen Comfort


This week our staff and students celebrated Lutheran Schools Week. Fun activities for the week included dress up days, a treasure hunt, a middle school spelling bee, and a pep rally! We are blessed to provide a Lutheran education to our students where they can grow spiritually, academically, and socially.


Even though we are only halfway through this year, it is time to start planning for enrollment for the 25-26 school year. We look forward to welcoming prospective families to our building for one one-on-one tours and our open house on February 13th. Spread the word of our great school ministry to families looking for a school. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

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Jan. 23rd - 26th - Immanuel Basketball Tournament

Jan. 25th - Men's Breakfast, 8am

Jan. 26th - High School Youth Group, 6pm

Jan.27th - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Jan.27th - Confirmation, 6pm

Jan. 27th - Mission and Ministry Council, 7pm

Jan. 29 - Midweek Bible Study, 1pm and 6pm

Jan. 29th - Discipleship 101, 6pm


Yeehaw! Saddle up, partners, because ticket sales for the 23rd Annual Immanuel Benefit Auction, Gold Rush, ride into town next Wednesday!


Don’t miss your chance to wrangle a seat at this year’s rip-roarin’ event, where we’ll rustle up fun, fellowship, and fundraising for a mighty fine cause. Mark your calendars and get ready to giddy-up—these tickets are sure to go faster than a tumbleweed in a prairie wind! Look for an email on Wednesday with a link to save your seat!

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Women's Wellness tickets are now on Sale!


Saturday, February 8, 2025

8:15am to 3pm

$25 per person, including lunch


Grab your ticket and get ready for a day of Christ-centered, intergenerational, relational, and useful information to support your journey through life.


You will have the opportunity to enjoy keynote speaker, Linda Buxa, and select mini sessions including crafts, intro to Pickleball, staying connected to your spouse, and more!


Worship With Us!


Sunday Morning

8 AM & 10:30 AM


Bible Study

9:15 -10:15 AM


Saturday Night

5 PM


Or Worship Online HERE

Were you unable to join us for bible study last week? Never fear! Notes and discussion topics are now online. Follow up on the conversation here and never miss a beat!​


Blessed By A Faithful Community

By Jessica Pelnar


At Immanuel Ministries, we are continually blessed by the unwavering support of church members and school and child care families. Your dedication and love for Immanuel's mission enable us to provide strong, lifelong Christian education for all who come through our doors.


One of the highlights of this ministry is the opportunity to come together in fellowship and celebration. Events like the annual benefit auction showcase our community's incredible generosity and unity. These gatherings strengthen our bonds and provide essential resources to advance Immanuel's mission of nurturing faith-filled learning and growth.


As we look to the future, we are excited to continue building on this foundation with more opportunities to connect, celebrate, and serve together. Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and involvement in making Immanuel Ministries a beacon of faith and learning.


Please check the signs in the church entryway for how you can donate, volunteer, or attend these wonderful ministry-wide events!


Together, we are shaping hearts and minds for Christ.

Voter's Meeting Update


January 12th the Immanuel family gathered together to consider taking the first big step into a building project. Immanuel saw high engagement from the church. After a little discussion and a unanimous vote, Immanuel has voted to step into the a building project. This vote allows Immanuel to spend up to $250,000 to develop the building design that we have been working on for a few years and move toward construction documents (so we have a realistic budget based upon actual bids from various sub- contractors) while running a capital campaign so that various funding scenarios can be prepared. To develop the building design, we are partnering with JH Hassinger with a design build contract and for the capital campaign we are working with Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF).


Please note this does not mean that we are building, but we are now financially committed to moving in that direction. The next vote could present how we would pay for the building project and the congregation would again vote on in order to actually put shovels in the ground and implement the building project.

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Jan. 18th - 19th - High School Youth Retreat

Jan. 18th - Time Tithing, Blessed Again 9:30am

Jan. 19th - 26th - National Lutheran Schools Week

Jan. 19th - Circuit Forum, 1pm

Jan. 20th - No School

Jan. 20th - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Jan. 20th - Blood Drive, 1-6pm

Jan. 20th - Confirmation, 6pm

Jan. 22nd - Midweek Bible Study, 1pm and 6pm

Jan. 22nd - Discipleship 101, 6pm

Jan. 23rd - 26th - Immanuel Basketball Tournament

Jan. 25th - Men's Breakfast, 8am

Jan. 26th - High School Youth Group, 6pm

Jan.27th - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Jan.27th - Confirmation, 6pm

Jan. 27th - Mission and Ministry Council, 7pm

Jan. 29 - Midweek Bible Study, 1pm and 6pm

Jan. 29th - Discipleship 101, 6pm

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We are excited to announce the creation of the Immanuel Business Guide! This resource will highlight the many businesses owned or operated by members of Immanuel Lutheran Church, School, and Child Care.


The Immanuel Business Guide aims to:

  • Foster a sense of community and support among our church and school families.

  • Provide an easy way to discover and connect with local businesses run by those we know and trust.


If you own or manage a business (big or small) and would like to be included, please share your information with us! Submitting your business details is simple:



Submission Deadline: March 1, 2025.


Once compiled, the guide will be shared with our church and school community, as well as on the Immanuel website and social media pages. Whether you're looking to promote your services or support local businesses within Immanuel, this guide is for you!


Thank you for helping us celebrate and support our community. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the main office at 262-781-7140, or email Jessie Pelnar at


Yeehaw! Saddle up, partners, because ticket sales for the 23rd Annual Immanuel Benefit Auction, Gold Rush, ride into town next Wednesday!


Don’t miss your chance to wrangle a seat at this year’s rip-roarin’ event, where we’ll rustle up fun, fellowship, and fundraising for a mighty fine cause. Mark your calendars and get ready to giddy-up—these tickets are sure to go faster than a tumbleweed in a prairie wind! Look for an email on Wednesday with a link to save your seat!

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Women's Wellness tickets are now on Sale!


Saturday, February 8, 2025

8:15am to 3pm

$25 per person, including lunch


Grab your ticket and get ready for a day of Christ-centered, intergenerational, relational, and useful information to support your journey through life.


You will have the opportunity to enjoy keynote speaker, Linda Buxa, and select mini sessions including crafts, intro to Pickleball, staying connected to your spouse, and more!


Worship With Us!


Sunday Morning

8 AM & 10:30 AM


Bible Study

9:15 -10:15 AM


Saturday Night

5 PM


Or Worship Online HERE

Were you unable to join us for bible study last week? Never fear! Notes and discussion topics are now online. Follow up on the conversation here and never miss a beat!​


Immanuel Vision

By Pastor Steve


As we step into a new year, Immanuel is on the threshold of a new and exciting part of our history. Immanuel presented a concept for a building edition that would meet many of the needs that were shared in 2023. In February, we took feedback from over 50 families who shared their thoughts on the building concept. While the price is always scary, there was no resistance to the design. Immanuel then formed a building committee under the direction of the Mission & Ministry Council to further this concept.


Immanuel continues to hold a strong financial position by budgeting for the ministry while leaving a surplus for growth. This surplus budgeting helped Immanuel pay off our mortgage debts and we celebrated being debt-free in worship! With growing financial health, Immanuel is looking to step into a building project that will extend what we are able to do in ministry while ensuring that our financial health is protected.


The Mission & Ministry council of Immanuel received and reviewed a recommendation from the Building Committee to continue the steps into a building project. This recommendation is that we partner with JH Hassinger for design development and that we partner with the Lutheran Church Extension Fund to begin a capital campaign that would support this building project. This recommendation allows Immanuel to spend up to $250,000 (about $150,000 for design development and about $70,000 for the capital campaign). This does not mean that we are building, but it means that we are moving in that direction. The vote to consider this recommendation is to be held this Sunday, January 12th at 11:45am (this would just be to approve stepping into design development and a capital campaign). Immanuel would have a separate vote after monies are raised and the project is supported in order to begin building any additions.


Please join Immanuel at the voter’s meeting this Sunday! Share your thoughts with our leaders in preparation for the January 12th voter’s meeting as we allow God’s Spirit to direct the ways that we should go so that we can always say, “See what the Lord has done among us!”

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Join Pastor Colby for this month's Time Tithing on January 18, from 9:30am until noon! We will be volunteering at Blessed Again resale shop and are looking for 15 people to join us. Look for the upcoming registration link or email Pastor Colby at to participate.

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Jan. 11th - De-Decorating, 9am

Jan. 12th - Congregational Meeting, 11:45am

Jan. 12th - Velocity Middle School Youth Group, 1:30pm

Jan. 13th - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Jan. 13th - Confirmation, 6pm

Jan. 14th - Women in Ministry, 11:30am

Jan. 15th - Midweek Bible Study, 1pm and 6pm

Jan. 15th - Discipleship 101, 6pm

Jan. 18th - 19th - High School Youth Retreat

Jan. 18th - Time Tithing, Blessed Again 9:30am

Jan. 19th - 26th - National Lutheran Schools Week

Jan. 19th - Circuit Forum, 1pm

Jan. 20th - No School

Jan. 20th - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Jan. 20th - Blood Drive, 1-6pm

Jan. 20th - Confirmation, 6pm

Jan. 22nd - Midweek Bible Study, 1pm and 6pm

Jan. 22nd - Discipleship 101, 6pm

Jan. 23rd - 26th - Immanuel Basketball Tournament

Jan. 25th - Men's Breakfast, 8am

Jan. 26th - High School Youth Group, 6pm

Jan.27th - Gentle Hearts, 1pm

Jan.27th - Confirmation, 6pm

Jan. 27th - Mission and Ministry Council, 7pm

Jan. 29 - Midweek Bible Study, 1pm and 6pm

Jan. 29th - Discipleship 101, 6pm

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We are excited to announce the creation of the Immanuel Business Guide! This resource will highlight the many businesses owned or operated by members of Immanuel Lutheran Church, School, and Child Care.


The Immanuel Business Guide aims to:

  • Foster a sense of community and support among our church and school families.

  • Provide an easy way to discover and connect with local businesses run by those we know and trust.


If you own or manage a business (big or small) and would like to be included, please share your information with us! Submitting your business details is simple:



Submission Deadline: March 1, 2025.


Once compiled, the guide will be shared with our church and school community, as well as on the Immanuel website and social media pages. Whether you're looking to promote your services or support local businesses within Immanuel, this guide is for you!


Thank you for helping us celebrate and support our community. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the main office at 262-781-7140, or email Jessie Pelnar at


Yeehaw! Saddle up, partners, because ticket sales for the 23rd Annual Immanuel Benefit Auction, Gold Rush, ride into town next Wednesday!


Don’t miss your chance to wrangle a seat at this year’s rip-roarin’ event, where we’ll rustle up fun, fellowship, and fundraising for a mighty fine cause. Mark your calendars and get ready to giddy-up—these tickets are sure to go faster than a tumbleweed in a prairie wind! Look for an email on Wednesday with a link to save your seat!

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Women's Wellness tickets are now on Sale!


Saturday, February 8, 2025

8:15am to 3pm

$25 per person, including lunch


Grab your ticket and get ready for a day of Christ-centered, intergenerational, relational, and useful information to support your journey through life.


You will have the opportunity to enjoy keynote speaker, Linda Buxa, and select mini sessions including crafts, intro to Pickleball, staying connected to your spouse, and more!

Immanuel Lutheran

Phone:  262-781-7140


Office Hours:  

Monday - Friday:





Privacy Policy

13445 Hampton Road - Brookfield, WI 53005  | © 2025 Immanuel Lutheran Church, School, and Child Care

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